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First Monopiles for Hornsea Project 1 have left EEW SPC

The first six monopiles for the Ørsted project Hornsea Project 1 were loaded at the quay in Rostock from 18th to 21st December 2017.

With the crane vessel „SVENJA“ from the company SAL Heavylift the foundations, which are all about 65 m long and weigh 800 tonnes each, will now be on the way to Able Seaton Port in Great Britain, where they will be temporarily stored until installation commences.

The production at EEW SPC is exactly on schedule. The first 48 monopiles have to be shipped by the end of January 2018. EEW SPC will be ready for load out three weeks earlier.

In total EEW SPC will produce 174 monopile foundations, with each having a diameter of 8.1 metres. The largest offshore wind project to date is intended to deliver electricity for well over one million households from 2020.

Picture: EEW SPC